Family Constellation with Brigita Holzer

The next group family constellation is taking place

on 03. of Mai 2024, in Győr (HU)

 (only in hungarian language)

Course in family -and systemic constellations

Live your Life to the fullest

Are you living your life? Are you living the life you had previously imagined for yourself?

Are you joyful, happy, free? What is stopping you from living the life you want? 

And if you are a helping professional, a therapist, then my question to you is: are you ready to take your vocation to a new level? 

Are you open to making the invisible visible to your clients?

Who do I recommend it to?

My course in systems constellations offers both individuals and professionals a very good opportunity for further development. 

This course is recommended not only for therapists - to complement their existing therapeutic work in an optimal way - but also for those who wish to gain deeper understanding and insight in their lives or to expand their awareness.

Also for those who have already mastered constellation work but feel a gap in their ability to constellate independently.

If you are applying as a private person, consider this as a journey of self-discovery, (working through family issues) that once you go through you will never be the same! You will gain a tool that will enable you to resolve situations in your life that generations before you have not had the opportunity to do.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these statements?

  • recurring relationship problems
  • you don't see a solution
  • you always run into the 'wrong' people
  • you keep getting into the same conflict situations at work
  • you don't know why this keeps happening to you...
  • you always find yourself in the same role...

If you empathize with any of them, I look forward to hearing from you.

For coaches, psychologists, mental health professionals, kinesiologists, this course offers the following benefits:

  • as a professional you probably experience that your clients' problems are often very complex and deep. Family adjustment can be a tool to help your client find solutions on many levels
  • constellation work can be an effective tool for seeing the connections in both individual and corporate cases to visualize many situations for your client, bringing them closer to understanding

My method

During the course I work in a process and experience oriented way. I attach great importance to putting the knowledge acquired into practice. 

Theoretical and practical work alternate throughout the course in order to achieve the highest possible transfer.

Holistic systemic constellation gives the opportunity to uncover unconscious urges, to learn how to dissolve patterns that have existed in the self, the family or other system (group) for decades, and to restore order so that each member can live his or her own life without the bonds and shadows of the past.

We learn effectively through experience and practice. A prerequisite to completing this course is to give of ourselves fully and to have our needs met by asserting our intentions.


What does this method enable you to do?

To see how the Spirit moves in the system, this movement leads you to the solution, it enables you to let go of expectations, to dare to be brave, to be open to the unknown, to practice restraint and to accept all that is revealed, even if it takes strength!

This technique can help unblock not only family systems, but also companies and businesses, so I would definitely recommend this technique to you if you want to help or give more insight into your clients' businesses. 

  • Management decisions about organisational change, e.g. mergers, restructuring
  • Marketing (intuitive marketing) e.g. what marketing channels to use, what products to develop, identify, why sales are declining
  • Diagnosing the root causes of complex or recurring problems
  • Team building and problem solving as a team

If you wish to declare completion of this course, you must take the exam after 9 months. 

For more details, register for my free introductory presentation!

(the course is held in Hungarian language)

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About family -and systemic constellation

In the family -and systemic constellation, the dynamics at the source of our problems become visible and healing can begin through love and understanding. 

Generally speaking, within each family there is a common energy field that has a decisive influence on the lives of its members. Within the family, certain laws operate. These are rules that apply not only to families, but also to smaller and larger systems and groups. They can affect individual members, not consciously, but over generations. They may be inherited family patterns, learned habits, ingrained behaviours, or even karmic causes.

Everything can only exist in dynamics. No problematic relationship, no suffering, no difficult life situation can arise solely from itself. Everything works according to the law of resonance, also known as the law of attraction. This resonance is called dynamic. "One thing brings another".

SYSTEMIC CONSTELLATION is the most suitable tool to visualize this dynamic. Once this happens, you become aware of what is causing your present situation and you can change it. In a loving way, so that the new dynamic that is born from this realisation is for the benefit of all.

How does a group family constellation work?

The requester briefly states what he or she would like to see more clearly. The facilitator will then ask the person to choose volunteer representatives to replace family members or the person concerned and him/herself, and then place them in the space according to their internal image. 

Without expectations or thoughts, a movement in the space is then initiated. From this coherent movement and from the sensations of the representatives, the facilitator sees where order has been disrupted and guides the client on the path of untying his unconscious bonds.

During the process of adjustment, everyone heals. Even the one who is merely participating in such an evening as a facilitator. The solution is integrated by the person seeking the adjustment, allowing time for the change to manifest in their life in its own time. It can be immediate, but most of the time it is a slower process.

In which cases can it be of help to you?

- resolving family conflicts, harmonising our relationships;

- work problems, improving finances;

- business, professional difficulties, blockages;

- you need clarity before making decisions.

:Brigita :Holzer

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